<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Itinerario 1


  Itinerary 1| Itinerary 2| Itinerary 3| Itinerary 4| Itinerary 5| Itinerary 6| Itinerary 7| Itinerary 8| Itinerary 9| Itinerary 10| Itinerary 11|  
  Itinerary 1: from Iudrio valley to Mount Kolovrat (On foot and on horse)  
This first itinerary crosses via forest roads, the entire southern zone of the Isonso front where the main part of the Kobriad/Caporetto Offensive took place. As well as a number of witnesses and historical findings there is also the extreme variety of landscape such as the narrow and wild base of the Iudrio/Idrija valley, the vast views of Mount Kolovrat. All to finally arrive in front of Mount Krn (for Italians known as Mount Nero).

Description of the route
Depart from Molino Vecchio/Podrob (Italian-Slovenian border), take the dirt road along the Iudrio/Idrija, climb up to Clabuzzaro/Brieg, take Sentiero Italia up to the Solarie/Solarje mountain refuge, and climb up Kolovrat to visit the trenches of the Great War, bivouac Zanuso, round Mount Nagnoj, Livške Ravne.

The total length of the route is approximately 19km. Here are the kilometres for each section:
Molino Vecchio/Podrob-Clabuzzaro/Brieg approximately 12km; Clabuzzaro/Brieg-Solarie/Solarje approximately 1.5km;
Solarie-Na Gradu approximately 1km;
Na Gradu-Livške Ravne approximately 4km.

Approximately 1000m. Altimetry:
Molino Vecchio/ Podrob 209m;
Clabuzzaro/Brieg 802m;
Passo Solarie/Solarje 956m;
Na Gradu 1114m;
bivouac Zanuso 1065m;
Mount Nagnoj 1192m;
Livške Ravne 1037m.

................................................................................................................................ Level of dificulty:



Depart from the ex-tavern of Molino Vecchio/ Podrob (now unfortunately closed), here it is possible to park cars and horse trailers. At a few hundred metres from here there is the Italian- Slovenian border from which you can climb up to Lig and to the Slovenian Collio.
How to get to Molino Vecchio/Podrob by car:
From Italy: from Prepotto/Prapotno proceed towards Albana/Albane (1km), then towards Podresca/Podarskije (8km) and then to Molino
Vecchio/Podrob (2km).
From Slovenia: on the Nova Gorica-Kobarid/ Caporetto road, near Kanal, turn towards Lig (8km) and from there head for Lovišče, Strmec, until reaching the Molino Vecchio/Britof border mountain pass (4km).

Take the old road in the woods and in approximately 15 minutes (1km) you get to Ciubiz/Čjubci, where there is the beautiful church of
San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Apostle Saint Bartholomew).
From the 15th – 16th century, S. Bartolomeo (Saint Bartholomew) has a remarkable ribbed vault with anthropomorphosis in bas-relief in
the corbels and in the keystones. In addition it is embellished with traditional sculptures typically Slovenian and of a beautiful wooden statue of the Madonna with child (late 16th century, school of Udine) placed into the 16th century altar..
From Ciubiz/Čjubci continue along the tarmac road and shortly (approximately 750m) you will reach Bordon/Bordoni with a fountain and agargoyle on the arch at the entrance of a house. A little further on (500m) cross Salamant/Salamanti once again (the basin in the middle of the village is worth noting) and pass (after approximately 750m) under the hamlet of Melina. In a short while the road becomes a dirt road and runs along the river which in the summer invites you to stop and swim. After approximately 2km you reach Ponte Clinaz/Podklanec, with its abandoned small barrack where a curious mosaic called “the house of coffee” stands out. From this point onwards the route coincides with the natural path Ponte Clinaz/Podklanec-Clabuzzaro/Brieg, as illustrated in the explanation placard. The valley continues to tighten until it almost becomes a gorge, then the road starts to climb up with a few wide turns
towards the village of Clabuzzaro/Brieg (7km), 802m above sea level, situated on a secondary shoulder of the ridge that divides the Iudrio/Idrija
valley from that of the Erbezzo/Arbeč (here also intersects itinerary n°2, see page 29).

From the centre of the village, where there is the tavern Al Colovrat, take Sentiero Italia (marked with the red and white CAI trail sign: n°746) and in approximately 20 minutes (1.5km) you will reach the wide grassy dell of the Solarie/Solarje hostel, 956m above sea level where it is possible to find lodgings and a place to eat. Here you intersect with itinerary n°6, see page 58, and itinerary n°5, page 49.
In order to reach Kolovrat we can simply follow the Italian tarmac road which climbs, turning left, up to the bivouac Zanuso (1116m) and then, after having passed Mount Nagnoj (state border) shortly descends to Livške Ravne where can be put in horses in boxes at the local horse centre.


Places for horses:
Riding stables at Livške Ravne. Temporary
possibilities of lodgings also at Solarie/Solarje.

Places where to take horses to water:
horse trough at Bordon /Bordoni, Salamant,
Iudrio/Idrica River, Solarie/Solare refuge.

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