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.Guide “Paths of Peace” On the Footsteps of the Great War From Natisone to Isonzo


This guide to the paths of the “Great War” in the Natisone and Isonzo Valleys has been published at the end of two important events. The first is the entrance of Slovenia into the Schengen area (20th December 2007) with the definitive elimination of every border; the second is the end of the year of the 90th anniversary of the terrible tragedy - the Battle of Caporetto (24th October 1917). Nothing can therefore better represent the spirit in which the Pro Loco Nediške Doline – Valli del Natisone has planned, written and now proposes this guide to you.

Even though today these paths now reveal only beauty and harmony, ninety years ago they were covered in blood, in tears and the despair of many soldiers of numerous nationalities sent to die in this “unnecessary massacre;” they were also places connected with suffering for the population of the Natisone valleys, devastated from this worldly tragedy. Today it would be unforgivable, if all of this area were to be transformed into a superficial historical Disneyland that changes this tragedy into fiction, or worse, into a rhetorical and military idolization.

However, with the elimination of the border, it is now possible to promote these routes in their right perspective. Carrying out these itineraries, almost as a sort of pilgrimage, offers us the opportunity to remember what happened ninety years ago and all its cruelty. At the same time there is the possibility to rejoice seeing that, by being able to pass freely from Italy to Slovenia and vice versa, the great historical divisions of the 1900s which brought a lot of suffering, death, misery and obstacles to economical and social development, have finally ceased. The border between Italy and Slovenia, between the Natisone and Isonzo valleys, after two World Wars and thousands and thousands of deaths, has now returned to be exactly what divided Italy and the Hapsburg Empire before 1915. Therefore, not only does an unpleasant memory linger but there is also a constant warning against all the evil that can originate from when nationalism, imperialism and ideologies prevail over reason, human sense and brotherhood.

The hope is that many people from all over Europe and beyond (even with the contribution of this guide) can travel along and fill the paths of our valleys and mountains in peace and harmony, which for a very long period have been transformed into insurmountable barriers, and restore them, as they have been for centuries, to a place of exchange and meeting, not only between Slovenians from Benecia and the Isonzo Valley, but also between different cultures and people.

..............................................................................................................Antonio De Toni
......................................................................................................President of the Pro Loco
...............................................................................................“Nediške Doline-Valli del Natisone”
